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A Birthday in the Bahamas

Greg and I traveled to Lyford Cay in late September to celebrate a big birthday for our dear friend Michele. What a fun weekend we enjoyed with new friends in a breathtakingly beautiful setting! Thank you to the Woodwards for having us!

On our first day there, we made our way to this little island for lunch. This restaurant was the only building on the island and the only thing it served was conch. We dined on conch salad, conch fritters, conch ceviche and anything else the chef could think of with conch as the main!

When we got out of the boat, we noticed the shoreline was actually made of mounds and mounds of conch shells. Clearly this little restaurant is booming!

As was customary at this little spot (I don't think it even had a name!) Michele added her dollar bill to mark the big occasion of her birthday, so fun!

We snorkeled our way back to Lyford and then went out for dinner.

We spent the next morning here. It was rough.

We snorkeled again in the afternoon and spotted 3 Blacktip Reef Sharks, truly thrilling. Couldn't wait to get home to tell the boys assuming this would up my mom cool factor and it didn't even cause a stir. Tough audience!

We spent the afternoon back at Lyford thoroughly enjoying the Lyford Dogs (Greg's favorite) and the Rum Dums (EVERYONE'S favorite!).

Our day ended with a much anticipated dive-off, never have I laughed so hard!

And then another celebratory dinner, happy birthday Michele!

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