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I Love L.A.

Greetings from LA! We are exploring California this week while the kids have school holidays and we've had great fun so far. We started at the Hollywood Walk of Fame and the boys enjoyed finding their favorites:

We loved spending time inside Sid Grauman's Chinese Theatre, such an interesting part of Hollywood history is this little place! The Chinese Theatre has hosted 3 Academy Award ceremonies and countless movie premieres since it opened in 1927. 

What day in Hollywood would be complete without seeing a movie premiere? Cinderella fans of all ages were amassing along Hollywood Boulevard and we stumbled right into the middle of them!

We took a gorgeous drive in the afternoon and the views of downtown LA were spectacular, especially with the storms in the distance.

We drove up Mount Hollywood and stopped at Griffith Observatory, more lovely views of the city and the Hollywood sign.

And we finished our day here, what more can I say?

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