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Easter 2015

Happy Easter from our family to yours!

Greg's parents came back to Dallas just before Easter and we were so very happy to have them join us for the Easter service at our church.

We came home following the service to search for Easter eggs!

And then family began to arrive en masse!

Mimi and our precious niece Lorelei, seriously could gobble her right up!

And this one too! Big sister Heidi, are they not the cutest little things on this planet?

Greg's brother Rob and our beautiful nieces Courtney and Rachel, I cannot tell you how much I love having the whole family together!

Sloan and Beck with their cousins Tobin and Lorelei.

All the cousins...

and all the family!

A few after lunch activities were enjoyed by all.

My sister Emily and her husband Matt

Greg's brother Rob and his wife Cynthia

Rob's daughter Courtney and her husband Nate

The cutest little half Easter egg that I've ever seen!

So thankful for this family of ours!

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