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Gil's Accident

On June 5th, Gil had a horrific accident at our home. His hand went through a glass window pane in our patio door which resulted in multiple lacerations from his wrist to just above his elbow. He was transported immediately to Medical Center in Plano for their trauma unit, stabilized there and then transported again to Childrens Dallas. He had surgery that night to stabilize the bleeding and close the lacerations and a second surgery several days later to repair tendons that were severed as well. He was extremely lucky to have minimal nerve and arterial damage, something we have been told too many times is unheard of with lacerations this severe. His long term prognosis is good, he has months of physical and occupational therapy ahead of him. 

Two different fire station crews were dispatched to our home the night of the accident. Gil felt strongly about visiting each to personally thank those involved in caring for him.

This gentleman below I believe is responsible for saving Gil's arm, he had to have a tourniquet applied as his bleeding was constant and profuse. We were told Gil lost at least 2 liters of blood (the normal human body has between 5-6 liters). How do you offer thanks to someone that literally had your child's life in their hands? It's too soon and too difficult for me to go there.

This was another medic that tended to Gil. He knew a coach at TCA, he reached out to that coach the night of Gil's accident and the outpouring of support that followed from our school family was astonishing and humbling. We have said it countless times that in the midst of this terrible accident for Gil, we have felt blessed beyond measure by our family and friends alike and the inundation of kind acts and thoughtfulness and help in every way. There is no way to express our gratitude and appreciation.

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