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Another School Year

Another year has passed and all 3 boys made the transition to yet another new school almost seamlessly. Here is a whirlwind recap of the highlights for each...

Gil had a ceremony to recognize the end of middle school and to celebrate the bridge to upper school, boy is he ever ready for his high school years. He has grown physically this year and is now taller me. He has also grown cognitively, emotionally and socially in a huge way! It has been great fun watching him navigate these changes and transitions with such poise and confidence and we are all looking forward to what lies ahead for him in the upper school.

A TCA tradition is the annual wilderness trip for incoming freshman providing a week together to grow closer as a class before they embark on their new adventures in the upper school. Gil had a fantastic week and enjoyed every moment there!

Sloan had a wonderful 1st grade year in Mrs. Bos' class. He settled right in and met so many dear friends whose parents have also become great friends of ours.  Sloan's academic and social growth was remarkable, I think Mrs. Bos is the 1st grade whisperer!

These photos are of the class program on the last day of school

This is the 1st grade music program held in February

Here is Sloan in wacky clothes to celebrate the 100th day of school

And these photos show Sloan and his classmates shooting their headmaster with super soakers, from what I understand, this is THE highlight of the year!

And here is Beck-a-roo, he was in Ms Wyatt's Kindergarten class who we knew before we moved as she was Gil's 1st grade teacher "back in the day"! Here they are on the last day of school

Beck had art work selected to be shown in the Trinity Art Gallery, his is the bottom yellow painting directly above his head

Here Beck is decked out as a 100 year old man to celebrate the 100th day of school

And a few last photos from the Kindergarten field trip to the zoo

Its been a school year that moved at lightning speed, boys had great fun and did quite well on all fronts. We are so proud of them and we are so ready for summer!

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