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Celebrating 9 Years for Sloan

Sloaner turned 9 on May 14th and we did not stop celebrating this young man! We have loved every moment of these 9 years with him and truly cannot wait to see what's in store for this sweet boy! Sloan has had a big year and has grown and changed in so many ways. He is amazingly independent, a quiet leader be it at school or on the playing field or at home, he is artistically and musically gifted, a voracious reader of any book he can get his hands on, crazy smart (without having to work really hard at it!) and breathtakingly beautiful with his daddy's piercing blue eyes and Swedish blond hair. We are one lucky family to have Sloaner tucked right in between Gil and Beck, he brings so much laughter and silliness as well as heedfulness and attentiveness to our every day.

Greg and I surprised him at school for a very special birthday lunch and bowling game.

And then we had a family dinner and swim at home after opening his presents.

Sloan and his friend John celebrated their birthdays together with a party at our home for schoolmates, man was it a fun afternoon!

Sloan was also celebrated at school as he was Star Student during his birthday week. He loved having his grandparents there for his presentation!

And then we had another birthday party at home for Sloan with our families, complete with a menu and activities decided upon by Sloan!

Happy Birthday Sloan, you truly light up our world and we could not be more proud of you! We love you very, very much!

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