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Mothers Day

We enjoyed a lovely lunch at Bent Tree to celebrate our moms. I am so very lucky to have the positive, nurturing examples set by both my mom and Greg's mom and I thank my lucky stars for their influence in the life of our family! 

Thank you mom for showing me how to stop and enjoy the beauty and wonder of our world, for modeling a life filled with gratitude and grace, for always making sure there is a "soundtrack" for this life of mine and for the gift of pure, beautiful, real emotion.

Thank you Linda for raising and then giving me the best gift I have ever received, for the example you set in making family your top priority (our favorite Sunday dinners are shared around your table!) and for the uncanny way that you come up with parenting and marriage antidotes and Dennis stories about the most relevant issues for both me and the boys.

And for this little family o' mine, I am forever grateful to these boys for making me a mother and I could not possibly love my job any more than I do. I get to wake up each day doing just what I was put on this sweet earth to do! I love you Gil, Sloan and Beck!

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